Jebarson's dev blog

Coffee, Code


Developer Conference 2011 Hyderabad Contest

Thanks for great response and feedback on our session “Knotting Kinect, Windows Azure and Windows Phone”. As we promised over the session, we are extremely thrilled to announce the contest for all the participants of Developer Conference 2011. We are looking for a good creative application which spawns across the Windows Azure and Windows Phone […]

There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for url xxx for role instance in Windows Azure

There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for url xxx for role instance deployment(xxx).ProjectName.Web_IN_0. Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server did not respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is already attached to the web server.     This error can haunt you […]

Dynamic Lambda Expression For Sorting A List / Collection Using Complex Types Without Implementing IComparable

You can download the sample project for the article here. (259.64 kb) In my previous post we discussed on sorting the list / collection using dynamic lambda expression for properties. In this article we will see how to sort on complex properties. So what is a complex property. Consider the class diagram as shown […]

Must Know Tips For Windows Phone Mango

Well it’s almost 2 months since I’ve been using different mango versions and now the RTM. Well for the people who are still waiting for it, I am pleased to announce that “You gonna love it!”. If you are totally new to windows phone then read my previous article Must Know Tips For Windows Phone […]

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