There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for url xxx for role instance in Windows Azure

There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for url xxx for role instance deployment(xxx).ProjectName.Web_IN_0. Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server did not respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is already attached to the web server.     This error can haunt you […]

Dynamic Lambda Expression For Sorting A List / Collection Using Complex Types Without Implementing IComparable

You can download the sample project for the article here. (259.64 kb) In my previous post we discussed on sorting the list / collection using dynamic lambda expression for properties. In this article we will see how to sort on complex properties. So what is a complex property. Consider the class diagram as shown […]

Tip : How To Scroll To Validation Summary by default calls the function window.scrollTo(0,0) after the validation failure from validators but not always we have the validation summary control placed at the top. There are instances where we need to place validation summary at some other location but by doing this, instead the user being scrolled to see the validation error, […]

Unleashing Calendar Control

Download Sample (171.18 kb) Introduction Calendar control is as important as a normal text box control in any application. Most of any application which needs data entry will definitely need a calendar control at some part. has a very good calendar control which we often ignore without exploring how far it can be […]

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