Windows allows auto backup to an external drive and restore it any time you may require. However, it will let one restore it to the original location only.
If you had reasons like me, to restore to a different location, this tool that I created will help you with that.
This software is free and provided as-is without any guarantees or warranty.
Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall anyone involved in creating or maintaining this software be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages to your device, data or anything.

Backup Location: Select the folder location where windows backed your files up.
Restore Location: Select the folder location where you want the restored files to be put. Point to an empty folder.
File Pattern: This is the pattern that windows backs up and names the file. The only pattern I have seen is appending the file name with a date and time of backup in UTC format.
Restore Mode: For now, it is just the latest files. The file with the latest UTC on it’s name is considered the latest file. If that parsing fails, the file’s modified date will be used.
Once the restoration completes, the software will generate a log in the same location as the exe.
I have tested this on 600K+ files. Tweet me your comments / feedbacks / bug reports.
Pre-requisite : .net Core 3.1 runtime