Jebarson's dev blog

Coffee, Code


Byte Array To BitmapImage Converter & IRandomAccessStream Implementation For Windows 8 Metro

After writing the application for Windows Phone, I wanted to bring the same feature with Windows 8 Metro but unfortunately, metro didn’t support the same converter for the reason that BitmapImage can no more read from Stream but only from IRandomAccessStream. I was very much disappointed with the Metro 8 API for having different design […]

TechEd India 2012 – Integrating Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8 Metro and Kinect

I am very happy and excited to announce that this TechEd I will be presenting along with my friend Abhijit Jana. We will be presenting a session which will showcase the integration of Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8 Metro and Kinect. For the presentation we have developed a proto solution for Home Security. Well […]

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